Monday, May 16, 2011

New Club at JHS

Technology Student Association (TSA) will be available to JHS students in the upcoming school year. The Technology Student Association is devoted to the needs of students interested in technology. Members will learn through exciting competitive events, leadership opportunities and much more. The diversity of activities makes TSA a positive experience for every student. Students can work individually or as a team in over 30 different competitions in areas such as agriculture and biotechnology, website design, dragster design, flight challenge, film technology, CAD with 3D modeling, desktop publishing, extemporaneous speaking, radio controlled transportation or scientific visualization. TSA takes the study of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) beyond the classroom and gives students the chance to pursue academic challenges among friends with similar goals and interests. Members will work on competitive events both in the classroom and after school. They can also attend conferences at the local, state, and national levels, and have a good time raising funds to get there. Education directives at the federal and state levels focus on providing avenues for initiatives such as STEM education. All TSA activities are correlated to the Standards for Technological Literacy, as set forth by the International Technology Education Association (ITEA). TSA’s activities will be used during the school day in the classroom and extend the learning beyond the classroom.