Monday, April 11, 2011

Empty Bowls Hunger Awareness Program

Many of our area residents realize that the problem of human hunger does exist today, but many feel that this is something occurring only in other parts of the United States or the world. The fact is however, that hunger and homelessness is occurring every day, right here in Johnstown.

Last year, students involved in the Greater Johnstown High School Key Club instituted the “Empty Bowls-Hunger Awareness Project.” For several months, club members gathered data and disseminated information throughout the area regarding the seriousness of hunger as a social issue. They worked diligently, making over 500 ceramic bowls, advertising, selling tickets, and organizing over 6 local agencies and over 100 volunteers who participated in the event. What they put together was nothing less than spectacular. The 2010 Empty Bowls Event combined a delicious meal of soup and bread, a variety of local entertainment, and educational information on hunger and homelessness on a beautiful Johnstown spring evening. The 2011 version promises to be every bit as remarkable.

This year’s project will culminate with the “Empty Bowls” dinner Wednesday, May 4, 2011 from 4:30 PM to 7:00 PM at the Saint Mary’s Byzantine Church hall and pavilion in Cambria City. Tickets are available to the general public, entitling them to a simple meal of bread and soup and exposure to information that will help define the needs of hunger and homelessness within our area. Key Club members will decorate handcrafted bowls for the event. The “empty bowls” (hand made ceramic bowls that guests get to keep with each paid ticket) are to symbolize the plight of some of our less fortunate neighbors. All guests will enjoy a variety of cross-cultural entertainment along with their soup and bread. Local human service agencies will have information available that evening detailing how they work to fight these problems in our own community.

The project is funded through the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s Learn and Serve Program. This program provides funds for students to participate in service-learning projects that intersect with the Commonwealth’s Standards of Education in the classroom.

Proceeds will be donated to St. Vincent DePaul, the Women’s Help Center, and the Salvation Army.

The tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students.

For more information or ticket information, please call 814-533-5601, ext. 1330.

-Rob Heinrich