It is now the time of the year when Greater Johnstown High School is getting ready for their annual musical. This year’s selection is titled “Once Upon A Mattress.” The show is a comedy-filled version of “The Princess and the Pea.” Along with some familiar cast members, there are some fresh new faces to keep your eye out for.
“Once Upon A Mattress” is a Rodgers and Hammerstein classic. Its Broadway performance included many well known actresses and actors. Some which included Carol Burnett, who portrayed the role of Queen Aggravain, and Sarah Jessica Parker as Princess Winnifred.
In the musical, the prince, Dauntless, is looking for a princess to be his wife. All the ladies in waiting must wait until Dauntless gets married before they can rightfully take their hand in marriage. Sir Harry, who is another main character, goes on a hunt for a princess that could potentially be a future wife for Dauntless. He comes across a princess named Winnifred. Now, Winnifred is not your average princess; she is outspoken and improper. He takes the princess back to the castle where she then meets the queen. The queen tests the young princess. If she passes the test,she is able to marry Dauntless. Queen Aggravain tests the princess by seeing if she will ever fall asleep, so she puts a small pea under a tower of mattresses. Winnifred is unable to fall asleep, which leads to her beating the royalty test of sensitivity--a trait that every true princess has. Dauntless and Winnifred then get married in the end, along with Sir Harry, Lady Larken, and all the other Ladies in Waiting.
The dates of the show will be on March 10th, 11th, and 12th at 7 p.m. and on March 13th at 2 p.m. in Cochran auditorium. Tickets will go on sale prior to these dates. This should be another successful musical by the Greater Johnstown High School students.
**Tickets are $7 and can be purchased in the main office at the high school. For more information call 533-5601.