Friday, September 24, 2010

Alumni Band Information

Music Department
222 Central Avenue – Johnstown, PA 15902
Phone (814) 533-5601 X1116 – Fax (814) 533-5698

Dear Alumni,

I am pleased to announce that once again the JHS Trojan Marching Band will be hosting an Alumni Band on Friday, October 8th 2010 at our football game versus Bedford. This evening is open to ALL past members of the Trojan Marching Band.
The evening will begin at 4:00PM in the High School band room. Music will be provided for you. We will use this time to rehearse music for that evening’s pregame performance as well as practice how to get on and off of the field. Instruments will be provided to those of you who need them on a first come, first serve basis.
I ask that anyone interested in this evening to please call or e-mail me by Friday, October 1st at the contact information above or below. Please include your full name, year of graduation and whether or not you will need an instrument. Music can also be sent early if you wish. I would like to make an Alumni Band program for the evening listing all of you involved, your date of graduation and your instrument. We ask that all involved please wear black and blue to support the Johnstown Trojans!
In closing, I am very excited as a third year band director to host this event for past members. I hope all of you will consider being a part of this evening and if you know an Alumni of the band please pass this information onto them. I thank you in advance for your participation and I look forward to seeing you on Friday, October 8th at 4:00PM!


Eric R. Pfeil
Director of Bands (814) 243-9352 - cell
Greater Johnstown School District