A student from Greater Johnstown High School has been selected as the winner of a writing contest for the Tribune Democrat. Junior Breanna Rock submitted the fourth chapter to the Tribune Democrat’s “Your Story” contest last week and it was chosen for publication. Breanna is a student in Brieana Day’s Journalism class and completed the chapter as a class assignment. She is involved in cheerleading, track and participates in the school’s musical.
“Your Story” is a bi-weekly contest that encourages readers to become writers by composing the next four chapters in installments. Each chapter continues from where the previous one ends. The first chapter was written by an editor from the Tribune Democrat, the second by an author, and the third by a local doctor. The story is about a former Johnstown woman who returns 10 years later to begin her new life. The chapters are to incorporate a holiday theme and have Johnstown as the setting. All of the chapters can be found on the Tribune Democrat’s website. Breanna was one of many who entered a chapter for the story, which was published on December 13th. She and the entire journalism class are currently writing the fifth chapter, individually, which will be submitted in hopes of having another winning entry.
To read Bre's story, click on the link below: